Leather used at Wayfits


Leather used at Way fits

Leather is one of the most used items of all ages. It was discovered 7000 years ago. At first, the Egyptians used it in 5000 b.c to make gloves, cloths, wall hangings, buckets, shoes, military equipment, and water bottle. It is durable, flexible, and warm. At first, smoke from fire and salt is use to preserve it, but later, as time passes, different chemicals are use to protect it, which makes it more beautiful and long-lasting. At Way fits, we choose the best quality worldwide to create world-class products for our valued customers. Different types used at our factory are; 

Cowhide :

Cowhide is the natural skin on a cow with hairs, cheap due to its availability and lasts for a long time after tanning. It is the most common type available; it is mostly use to make leather wallets, shoes, jackets, and belts.

Sheep Leather:

Sheep leather is made from the hairy skin of the sheep rather than the wool, similar to goat leather. It is expensive due to its softness, durability, and other characteristics.

Full-grain :

Full-grain is thick, not buffed to remove any spots from it. It goes to tanning after the hair removal process. It isn’t easy to make a different product from it because of its thickness and ale little expensive due to its texture.

Top Grain :

It is known as top grain because its top layer is tanned, buffed, and shaved. It is mostly use to make bags. top-grain is less expensive and stain-resistant, lasts for 10 to 15 years, and is four times more durable than the fabric.

Calfskin :

Calfskin is a premium quality leather gather from the skin of the calf. It is one of the expensive items due to its flexibility and softness. It is long-lasting and adds style when polished. Mostly it is use to make high-quality leather wallets and bags.

Bovine Leather:

Bovine leather is the most commonly use in the industry. About 90% of leather products at the market using it because of its availability. it is high bread production. Not very expensive and can be make it waterproof after adding a layer of wax and oil, making it more durable and water-resistant.

Suede Leather:

Suede leather is usually get from the underside of the animal skin. It is soft in touch and breathable. Normally it is use to make shoes and jackets. It is not as strong as full-grain .

At way fits, we select the best piece of from all of these to make top-class products which durable, long-lasting, and affordable for our valued customers.

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